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Wszystkie prezentowane prace oraz zdjęcia na tym blogu są mojego autorstwa ( jeśli jest inaczej wyraźnie to zaznaczam), nie zezwalam na ich kopiowanie i rozpowszechnianie bez mojej zgody.

11 września 2008

ZAKAZ Weryfikacji komentarzy/ NO for comment verification.

Każdy spotkał się z literkami, które należy przed opublikowaniem komentarza wpisać w specjalne miejsce... Coraz częściej to doprowadza do szału wielu użytkowników blogów.
Dlatego organizatorka akcji Christine prosi o poparcie, kusząc pewnymi cudami.

Sama używam wyłacznie MODEROWANIA - gdyż to ułatwia pisanie komentarzy innym uczestnikom społeczności, a mnie chroni przed spamem:) Osobiście nie lubię pisać komentarzy u osób, które mają weryfikacje, czesto źle odczytuję literki:(
Proszę sobie wyorbrazić tak zniekształcone słowo, że zmienia znaczenie literek... np. ru - gdy są bardzo blisko siebie - mylą się z ni (tylko, że nad i nie ma kropeczki).

Za długie wyjaśnienie przepraszam... ale musiałam się wyżalić...
Everybody saw the pictures with letters which must by written to a special place before submitting the comment.
Increasingly it makes crazy many blog’s users. That is why the organizer of the action Christine would like you to support, tempting you by many interesting things.

I use only MODERATING mode, because it makes writing the comments easier to the other users of community and it saves my from the spam.

I don’t like writing the comments in case of verification, i often can’t read the letters properly L
Please imagine the broken word so much, that changes letters meaning for egzample “ru” – then they are very close – looks like “ni” (but there is no dot above i).

Sorry for long explanation, but I had to say that to somebody.

Poniżej umieszczam argumenty, pod którymi również się podpisuję

Everyone will have their own view, but in my case, I regard the removal of word verification as a basic courtesy to my visitors who are kind enough to take the time to leave comments. Being aware of their comments through comment moderation, but not hindering them with word verification is the very least I can do to reciprocate their courtesy to me.

The problem with word verification is that it takes too long. The characters are very often hard to decipher, and it’s frustrating when you get them wrong and have to re-enter the little suckers!

So this campaign is on behalf of busy bloggers. Please spare a thought for the poor bloggers who work so hard at getting round as many blogs as possible to leave sprinkles of blessing and good vibes wherever they go. The terrible proliferation of this awful plague of word verification is a blight on their efforts to make the Land of Blog a cheerier place.

I think most people don't realise that they have word verification on their blogs by default, or how easy it is to switch it off, and perhaps not realising how annoying it is for other bloggers. Either that, or they’re under the misapprehension that they will be bombarded with spam messages. This is not the case. I’ve had mine switched off now for three of the four months that I’ve been blogging, and have had two spam comments. The responses I’ve had from other bloggers to my earlier posts on this topic back this up. (You can see the comments in response to my previous post on this subject, HERE.)

For safety’s sake, have comment moderation on for sure, but please consider canceling word verification on your blog. Maybe for a trial period, and see how you get on.

Unless there are thousands of comments being left, comment moderation shouldn’t be too much of an issue for the blog owner, and other bloggers will also be more inclined to leave comments if they can see that you don’t use word verification.

However, each to their own, and if you disagree with me, that’s cool. We can agree to differ and not visit each other’s blogs! lol ;o)
OK.. rant over. If you have read all the way to the end, thank you for putting up with it, and ~ obviously ~ do what you wish on your blogs, but I had to say something. I love to get around and leave comments, but word verification spoils the experience.
Of course, when I get my new job, all this will be academic to me, as I will then have a life, and I won't have time for much blog-hopping!! Not that blog-hoppers need to get a life.. Errr... think I'll stop digging now, before I get into REAL trouble!! lol ;o)

Peace. :o)

A oto cuda, którymi kusi:

Więcej informacji tutaj: Craftling's Cosy Corner

4 komentarze:

kasia | szkieuka pisze...

ja bym jeszcze dolozyla apel o zlikwidowanie muzyki na blogaskach, albo przynajmniej o to, zeby nie walila po uszach, oraz zeby na samiuskiej gorze strony byl guzik do jej wylaczania. Czesto siedze w pracy sluchajac czegos z komputera, wchodze na chwilke na bloga, a tu LUP po bebenkach, czasem na caly regulator.

Christine (All She Crafts) pisze...


Well, I don't speak Polish, so does all this mean you're for word verifiaction, or against? lol.. ;o)

I will assume you are against, as you have removed it from your blog. Thank you for that!

And thanks for joining in with my blog candy. You have FIVE entries in the draw. Best wishes with that! :o)

Take care and God bless..

Chris xx

Sara pisze...

Ja też od dawna używam moderowania, wpadłam na to by nie zgubić żadnego komentarza (np. do starszych postów), a potem zauważyłam uroki braku weryfikacji.
Apel o brak muzyki jak najbardziej słuszny, zwł. dlatego, że część z internautów płaci za transfer (mi tylko zwalnia po przekroczeniu jakiegoś tam limitu, ale to też nie jest miłe); mogłaby być muzyka do włączenia samodzielnego jak najbardziej, jeśli ktoś się chce podzielić ulubioną.

annqaa pisze...
